Kid Connection

Grades 1-6 Sundays at 11:15-12:15

Upcoming Events

Sundays for Kids

For kids in grades 1-6 | Sundays at 11:15-12:15

Kid Connection

We're bringing back Quiet Time Devotionals, Memory Verses, Christian Reading, Christian Service, and more!

Order QT Devos here.

Yes, this will look a bit like our old Olympians program, with a lesson and small group time. But doing it on Sunday morning will feel a bit different. We'll have less time each week and part of the year will include kids' choir rehearsals (A great Christian service!), so we'll adjust.

  • QUESTION: Do we have to order Quiet Time Devotionals and learn all the memory verses to come? NO! All kids are welcome every week and the morning won't depend on them doing work at home. BUT, we've missed having these great resources to put in our families' hands, so we're going to use Sunday morning to help encourage using them.
  • QUESTION: How do we order Quiet Time Devotional kits? You can order from NBC and pay online at the links on this page.

We're excited to offer ministry to families but we CANNOT do what we'd like yet. We still NEED more people to serve kids on Sunday. Seriously, we're going to start but we don't have a full staff yet. Can you join us? Let us know at or just use the form below.

You Can Help!

No commitment. Let's talk.